API 580/581 Risk-Based Inspection
Risk-based methodology considers both the probability and consequence of failure to plan inspections, providing a basis for making informed decisions on inspection frequency and the extent of inspection. The industry standard for Risk-Based Inspection was developed through the American Petroleum Institute (API) consensus balloting process with participating industry professionals. API RP 580, Risk-Based Inspection and API RP 581, Risk-Based Inspection Technology are documented in the public domain and available for purchase from API.
The principals at Trinity Bridge have been involved with the development the API RBI technology and implementation approaches since 1991. Trinity Bridge founder Lynne Kaley is currently Master Editor for API RP 581, Third Edition, was a key contributor to API RP 580.
Trinity Bridge consultants have extensive knowledge and experience in a range of RBI technologies as well as practical experience in the aspects of a RBI program most critical to its success, from damage mechanism assessment to inspection techniques and inspection plan development. Our team can help you focus resources, target inspection dollars and maximize equipment availability by factoring risk assessment into your plant work process.
Risk-Based Inspection consulting
Our consultants have years of practical experience in API RBI implementation, from developing custom tools to providing on-site training. Because we pioneered the development of API RBI – and continue to be involved Master Editor for API 581 Third Edition – we have in depth knowledge of both the methodology and the API RBI software to improve the safety, efficiency, quality and profitability of your program.
Trinity Bridge RBI services include:
- RBI Procedure Development – Specific project implementation procedures to assure quality and provide a basis for consistent project implementation across teams and between companies.
- API RBI Implementation teams – Teams located in the US and Western Europe provide turnkey implementation consulting services at the highest levels of quality and efficiency while being cost competitive anywhere in the world.
- Piping Line List – Piping line lists created from P&ID’s generated to an electronic data format for import to API RBI software.
- Custom tool development – Development of spreadsheet tools to simplify and improve quality of data management using the import/export capability.
- Database Management – Advanced API RBI database development and management using custom-developed tools. Knowledge of API RBI database structure and database expertise to use client-provided electronic data to create API RBI equipment databases. The use of database tools bypasses an Export/Import spreadsheet process that can often be tedious and time consuming.
The bottom line: cost effective project implementation and data management support to assure project consistency and quality, while optimizing profitability.
API RBI Review
How well is your RBI program working? Is it an integral and sustainable part of your plant operations? Are you maximizing the cost benefit of a successful RBI program? The Trinity Bridge RBI Review provides an overall assessment of your Risk-Based Inspection program methodology as well as a detailed review of your database and corrosion review information. These reviews include:
- Damage Review/Damage Assessments
- Database review
- Software review
- Interview with key personnel
We’ll meet with your team to discuss recommendations for correction, potential improvements, and provide a final report documenting our findings.
API RBI Training
Trinity Bridge principals have trained hundreds of refinery engineers and inspections in Risk-Based Inspection procedures, technology and software, both on-site and through public courses. Call for information on how to bring API 580/581 training to your facility.